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LDL low-density-lipoprotein
LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein: a lipoprotein that transports cholesterol in the blood; composed of moderate amount of protein and a large amount of cholesterol; high levels are thought to be associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis, transports cholesterol and triglycerides from the liver to peripheral tissues, so is considered “bad” because it can be deposited in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. accumulate on the artery walls. This in turn may lead to an increased risk of heart disease. Research suggests that eating too much saturated and fatty acids can elevate LDL blood cholesterol levels.
Le syndrome de TORCH
Le syndrome de TORCH fait référence à un groupe d'infections congénitales qui peuvent affecter le fœtus pendant la grossesse. L'acronyme TORCH représente Toxoplasma, Rubéole, Cytomégalovirus, Herpès simplex, mais d'autres agents infectieux peuvent également être inclus.

Ce syndrome peut avoir des conséquences graves sur le développement fœtal, pouvant entraîner des anomalies congénitales, des retards de croissance, voire des perturbations du système nerveux central. Il est crucial de diagnostiquer et de traiter ces infections le plus tôt possible pendant la grossesse pour minimiser les risques pour le fœtus.
Locked-in syndrome
Locked-in syndrome is a condition in which a patient is aware and awake, but cannot move or communicate due to complete paralysis of nearly all voluntary muscles in the body except for the eyes. Total locked-in syndrome is a version of locked-in syndrome where the eyes are paralyzed as well.

ABC Dictionnaire Forumed 20010